Software applications for participation
in cities and neighborhoods
Use our technology everyone can participate and be rewarded for their contribution in their own environment.
CoTown is a social technology startup. We are developing a digital solution based on blockchain
that makes cities sustainable for the future through participation and collaboration.
Participation and collaboration are the keys to a new economy and so is our platform.
CoTown solutions for government
In 2050, 65% of the world's population will live in cities.
Nowadays, cities are already struggling to keep streets clean and to let their inhabitants contribute to the local living environment and social initiatives. At the same time, due to the increasing online developments, local retailers are struggling to keep their businesses running and the shops in the cities open to customers. Small towns are becoming less attractive for shopping and recreation every day. The challenges posed by the 21st century make the situation in the cities more complex.

Our solution motivates people to stand up for the city they live in and ensures that the local government works with those residents who want to make a contribution. This solution is easy to use for citizens, local retailers and local authorities. Using this solution, motivated citizens help the local government to carry out tasks for the city's environment or help social initiatives and are rewarded for their contribution in local currency. These local coins can be spent in local shops. Tasks such as painting a wall, cleaning streets, planting trees, helping neighbors etc are tasks that are usually not done often enough or not at all. Small tasks that have a huge impact on the city. A huge win-win for all CoTown platform participants.
“Contribute to your city, get to know our solution and join us in making your city a
better place!